Nam Jam ’23
The announcement you’ve all been waiting for.
Nam Jam 23!
Nam Jam 23!
We’re back and bigger than ever.
This year we’re holding the event over two locations!
This year we’re holding the event over two locations!
Tattoos and acoustic stage at Namaste 11:00 – 17:00.
Loud music and food at Adelphi club 17:00 – 23:00.
Navier Gene
No Whukkas
Rivers Johansson
Stephanie Halsey
Bizarre Fae
That’s 12 hours of none stop amazing music and fun for just £10!
All profits are going to Ren’s rescue.
Day time only tickets for Namaste Tattoo Studio are available for £5, with only access to the studio.
£10 tickets give you access all day and night to return whenever you want. ID checks will be in place at Adelphi.
Stretch Pizza are joining us later on. They are creating an amazing exclusive Vegan menu especially for us
Profits raised from the event will be helping out Rens Wildlife Hospital.